the Eminsoys
The Eminsoy’s in Graphviz
a graphviz family tree of my family tree… 😃
digraph {
edge [dir=none];
node [shape=box; color=gainsboro; style=filled];
graph [rankdir="TB";
aa00 -> {"Ahmet" "Şaban" "Mustafa"};
"Şaban" -> aa10 -> "Emin";
{rank=same; "Emin" -> aa20 -> "Sultan"};
aa20 -> aa25 -> {"Bahri" "Derviş" "Çakala" "Hasret" "Seyehat" "Yusuf" "Ziya"};
subgraph cluster_0 {rank=same; color=transparent; "Yusuf" -> aa30 -> "Hanife" [constraint=false]};
aa30 -> aa35 -> {"Hacer" "Muzaffer" "Münire" "Nigar" "Rahim" "Rasim"};
{rank=same; "Hacer" -> aa40 -> "Nevzat"};
{rank=same; "Muzaffer" -> ba40 -> "Münevver"};
{rank=same; "Nigar" -> ca40 -> "Idris"};
{rank=same; "Rahim" -> da40 -> "Fadime"};
{rank=same; "Rasim" -> ea40 -> "Aslı"};
aa40 -> aa45 -> {"Servet" "Hayriye"};
ba40 -> ba45 -> {"Fahamettin" "Hisamettin" "Miyase" "Naime" "Süreyya"};
{rank=same; "Fahamettin" -> ba50 -> "Necibe"};
{rank=same; "Hisamettin" -> bb50 -> "Feride"};
{rank=same; "Miyase" -> bc50 -> "Hesabali"};
{rank=same; "Naime" -> bd50 -> "Ismail"};
subgraph cluster_1 {rank=same; color=transparent; "Süreyya" -> be50 -> "Naciye" [constraint=false]};
ca40 -> ca45 -> {"Alişan" "Fadime2" "Münevver2" "Osman" "Remziye" "Sundus"};
da40 -> da45 -> {"Naci" "Nermin" "Şayibe" "Tahsin" "Tarık"};
ea40 -> ea45 -> {"Çiğdem" "Erşan" "Gülden" "Gülçen" "Hacer2" "Mihriban" "Mübeccel" "Nurdem" "Uğur"};
ba50 -> ba55 -> {"Münevver3" "Selçuk"};
{rank=same; "Münevver3" -> aa60 -> "Mustafa2"};
{rank=same; "Selçuk" -> ab60 -> "Nur"};
bb50 -> bb55 -> {"Ayla" "Münire2" "Seyhun" "Yusuf2"};
subgraph cluster_2 {rank=same; color=transparent; "Seyhun" -> ba60 -> "Emine" [constraint=false]};
subgraph cluster_3 {rank=same; color=transparent; "Yusuf2" -> bb60 -> "Aliye" [constraint=false]};
bc50 -> bc55 -> {"Ergin" "Ilter"};
subgraph cluster_4 {rank=same; color=transparent;"Ergin" -> ca60 -> "Münire2" [constraint=false]};
subgraph cluster_5 {rank=same; color=transparent; "Ilter" -> cb60 -> "Leyla" [constraint=false]};
be50 -> be55 -> {"Gökhan" "Hakan"};
{rank=same; "Gökhan" -> da60 -> "Irem"};
{rank=same; "Hakan" -> db60 -> "Gülberk"};
aa60 -> aa65 -> {"Can" "Özdal"};
{rank=same; "Can" -> aa70 -> "Lauren"};
{rank=same; "Özdal" -> ab70 -> "Béné"};
ab60 -> ab65 -> {"Elvin"};
{rank=same; "Elvin" -> ba70 -> "Ömer"};
ba60 -> ba65 -> {"Ekin"};
bb60 -> bb65 -> {"Tuğra"};
subgraph cluster_6 {rank=same; color=transparent; "Tuğra" -> ca70 -> "Pınar2" [constraint=false]};
ca60 -> ca65 -> {"Cem" "Pınar"};
{rank=same; "Pınar" -> da70 -> "Özgür"};
cb60 -> cb65 -> {"Burcu" "Gözde"};
da60 -> da65 -> {"Arhan" "Arın"};
db60 -> db65 -> {"Berkhan"};
aa70 -> aa75 -> {"Claire Alara" "Declan Alp"};
ab70 -> ab75 -> {"Joseph Can"};
ba70 -> ba75 -> {"Ali" "Can2"};
ca70 -> ca75 -> {"Elis"};
da70 -> da75 -> {"Mert"};
// jenerasyon 1
aa00 [shape=point];
"Ahmet" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"];
"Şaban" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"];
"Mustafa" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"];
aa10 [shape=point];
// jenerasyon 2
"Emin" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"]; "Sultan" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"]; aa20 [shape=point]; aa25 [shape=point];
// jenerasyon 3
"Bahri" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"];
"Derviş" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"];
"Çakala" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"];
"Hasret" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"];
"Seyehat" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"];
"Yusuf" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"]; "Hanife" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"]; aa30 [shape=point]; aa35 [shape=point];
"Ziya" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"];
// jenerasyon 4
"Hacer" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"]; "Nevzat" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"]; aa40 [shape=point]; aa45 [shape=point];
"Muzaffer" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"]; "Münevver" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"]; ba40 [shape=point]; ba45 [shape=point];
"Münire" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"];
"Nigar" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"]; "Idris" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"]; ca40 [shape=point]; ca45 [shape=point];
"Rahim" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"]; "Fadime" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"]; da40 [shape=point]; da45 [shape=point];
"Rasim" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"]; "Aslı" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"]; ea40 [shape=point]; ea45 [shape=point];
// jenerasyon 5
"Servet" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"];
"Hayriye" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"];
"Fahamettin" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"]; "Necibe" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"]; ba50 [shape=point]; ba55 [shape=point];
"Hisamettin" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"]; "Feride" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"]; bb50 [shape=point]; bb55 [shape=point];
"Miyase" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"]; "Hesabali" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"]; bc50 [shape=point]; bc55 [shape=point];
"Naime" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"]; "Ismail" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"]; bd50 [shape=point];
"Süreyya" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"]; "Naciye" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"]; be50 [shape=point]; be55 [shape=point];
"Alişan" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"];
"Fadime2" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink", label="Fadime"];
"Münevver2" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink", label="Münevver"];
"Osman" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"];
"Remziye" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"];
"Sundus" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"];
"Naci" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"];
"Nermin" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"];
"Şayibe" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"];
"Tahsin" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"];
"Tarık" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"];
"Çiğdem" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"];
"Erşan" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"];
"Gülden" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"];
"Gülçen" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"];
"Hacer2" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink", label="Hacer"];
"Mihriban" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"];
"Mübeccel" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"];
"Nurdem" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"];
"Uğur" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"];
// jenerasyon 6
"Münevver3" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink", label="Münevver"]; "Mustafa2" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue", label="Mustafa"]; aa60 [shape=point]; aa65 [shape=point];
"Selçuk" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"]; "Nur" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"]; ab60 [shape=point]; ab65 [shape=point];
"Ayla" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"];
"Seyhun" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"]; "Emine" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"]; ba60 [shape=point]; ba65 [shape=point];
"Yusuf2" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue", label="Yusuf"]; "Aliye" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"]; bb60 [shape=point]; bb65 [shape=point];
"Ergin" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"]; "Münire2" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink", label="Münire"]; ca60 [shape=point]; ca65 [shape=point];
"Ilter" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"]; "Leyla" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"] cb60 [shape=point]; cb65 [shape=point];
"Gökhan" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"]; "Irem" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"]; da60 [shape=point]; da65 [shape=point];
"Hakan" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"]; "Gülberk" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"]; db60 [shape=point]; db65 [shape=point];
//jenerasyon 7
"Can" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"]; "Lauren" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"]; aa70 [shape=point]; aa75 [shape=point];
"Özdal" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"]; "Béné" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"]; ab70 [shape=point]; ab75 [shape=point];
"Elvin" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"]; "Ömer" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"]; ba70 [shape=point]; ba75 [shape=point];
"Ekin" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"];
"Tuğra" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"]; "Pınar2" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink", label="Pınar"]; ca70 [shape=point]; ca75 [shape=point];
"Cem" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"];
"Pınar" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"]; "Özgür" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"]; da70 [shape=point]; da75 [shape=point];
"Burcu" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"];
"Gözde" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"];
"Arhan" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"];
"Arın" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"];
"Berkhan" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"];
// jenerasyon 8
"Claire Alara" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"];
"Declan Alp" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"];
"Joseph Can" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"];
"Ali" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"];
"Can2" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue", label="Can"];
"Elis" [shape=egg, regular=0, color="pink"];
"Mert" [shape=box, regular=0, color="cornflowerblue"];
The Eminsoy’s in Graphviz using
Over here, trying to render it using… not working at the moment 😬
The Eminsoy’s in Graph Dracula
Using only D3
Can we do it using purely D3, without D3-Graphviz? Sure must be the answer. The graph below is a stab at that effort with fake names but we can see how it could be scaled to bigger/real families.
to be continued…